
The Journey Wraps: ML DataOp Summit Key Takeaways

iMerit Founder and CEO Radha Basu wraps up the summit by sharing several key takeaways attendees can use as tools to move forward in deploying their enterprise AI application.


Here are 3 key takeaways from the session:

  • The shutdown of Argo raised several concerns for the autonomous vehicle industry. Chris Barker, an autonomous mobility expert, assured that autonomy will continue to play a key role in moving people and freight and that there will be tremendous development in fleet operations in trucking, logistics, and agriculture in 2023 and beyond.
  • To commercialize AI, businesses are investing a significant amount of time and effort in scaling data pipelines with experts in the loop. Human intelligence is critical to ensure quality, avoid negative outcomes, and address unintended bias and data drifts.
  • MLDataOps, which has been a critical focus in the AI ecosystem recently, brings together technology, talent, and techniques to provide high-quality data and precision at the scale of production required.

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