
Top Data Labeling Tools & Techniques for Precision Agriculture

February 09, 2024

Precision agriculture, powered by technologies like machine learning and computer vision, is changing the way we do farming. The global AI market size in agriculture was USD 1.37 billion in 2022, with projections indicating it will exceed approximately USD 11.13 billion by 2032. A 23.3% CAGR is driven by AI technology supporting data collection, structuring, and analysis from diverse crop and field data sources such as weather patterns, soil conditions, crop health, and historical farming data.

Data labeling is crucial for training AI/ML systems to identify, analyze, and optimize various aspects of agricultural practices. With the advent of precision agriculture and the increased utilization of drones, there has been a substantial increase in the volume of data. In this blog post, we will explore the growing significance of data annotation in precision agriculture and learn about the tools and techniques to improve model outcomes with data annotation.

Key Data Labeling Tasks in Precision Agriculture

Crop Type and Disease Annotation

Accurately identifying and labeling various crop types is a fundamental aspect of precision agriculture. Additionally, the annotation of instances where crops are affected by diseases or pests plays a crucial role in enabling early detection and facilitating targeted intervention strategies. This meticulous annotation process not only aids in recognizing and categorizing different crops but also empowers farmers with timely insights into potential threats, allowing for prompt and precise measures to safeguard crop health and maximize yields.

iMerit recently released its Crop & Weed detection annotation solution with built-in models designed to detect and categorize crops, weeds, and grass. The solution, complemented by human-in-the-loop (HiTL) teams, expedites pre-labeling procedures and improves model accuracy, particularly in applications such as smart spraying.

Crop Counting and Yield Estimation

The annotation of individual crops or plants facilitates the accurate counting and estimation of crop yields. This process involves marking specific areas with clusters of crops, enabling detailed density analysis. Through precise annotation, farmers can gain insights into the distribution of crops within a field, leading to informed decisions on resource allocation. 

Weed Detection

Annotating images to identify the presence of weeds involves distinguishing between cultivated crops and unwanted vegetation, laying the foundation for optimized weed control strategies. Weed detection helps with targeted interventions to reduce the need for excessive herbicide use and promotes more sustainable and eco-friendly farming practices. 

iMerit’s Precision Agriculture application enhances the accuracy and reliability of its crop and weed detection model through the strategic use of synthetic data generation and augmentation techniques applied to cotton and corn images. Learn more here.

Land Parcel Segmentation

The segmentation of satellite or drone imagery into discrete land parcels includes annotating parcel boundaries and features for detailed analysis and effective land management. By accurately delineating the boundaries of each parcel and annotating relevant features, such as soil conditions or topography, farmers and agricultural experts gain valuable insights for decision-making. 

Irrigation System Monitoring

Annotating and highlighting areas within the images that indicate inadequate or excess water levels facilitates efficient water management practices. Annotating these features helps farmers understand the irrigation needs of specific areas, allowing for targeted interventions. 

Data Labeling Techniques Used in Precision Agriculture

Bounding Box Annotation

This technique helps identify and locate specific elements within satellite or drone imagery by drawing rectangular boxes around objects of interest, such as crops, weeds, or equipment within an image, enabling precise object detection and localization.

Polygon Annotation

This annotation type involves outlining objects’ contours with irregular shapes using polygons. It is ideal for annotating fields, land parcels, or areas with uneven boundaries.

Semantic Segmentation

This technique involves labeling each pixel in an image with a specific class or category, creating a detailed map of different objects. It enables fine-grained analysis by classifying each pixel as belonging to crops, weeds, soil, or other relevant categories.

Polyline Annotation

This technique helps identify and label distinct lines or paths within an image for features such as roads, irrigation systems, and field boundaries. With a high level of precision, polyline annotation requires more time per annotation.

Time-Series Annotation

Time-series annotation involves annotating data collected over time, such as sensor data, satellite imagery, or drone footage. It is essential for tracking changes in crop health, growth, or environmental conditions over time, supporting predictive analysis.

Beyond these techniques exist many other data annotation types with various features, pros, and cons. The choice of data annotation type depends on your business and model outcome, efficiency and scale requirements, data availability, and other factors. A data annotation expert team, like iMerit with a robust data annotation tool like the Ango Hub platform, has many powerful features to streamline your precision agriculture labeling process and data pipeline.


As technology advances and precision agriculture continues to evolve, the accurate and efficient annotation of agricultural datasets will play a crucial role in shaping the future of sustainable and productive farming practices. By leveraging the right tools and methodologies, iMerit works with leading agriculture companies to build robust AI solutions for efficient agricultural landscapes.

Are you looking for data experts to advance your Agricultural AI project? Here is how iMerit can help.