
iMerit collaborates to deploy AI and Machine Learning in the Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing and Content Services ecosystems by enriching, annotating and labeling data.

Semantic Analysis in public sector for detection and tackle of fake news

iMerit’s secure and monitored facilities offer a reliable and efficient solution for sensitive data that requires processing for the public sector at the federal, state and local level, and helps institutions leverage Machine Learning for public good.


Bounding Box annotation for detection and tracking of object, AI in Government application
Bounding boxes

iMerit’s CV experts use rectangular box annotation to illustrate objects and train data, enabling algorithms to identify and localize objects during the ML processes.

Polygon annotation for aircraft detection on airport, AI in Government applications
Polygon Annotation

Expert annotators plot points on each vertex of the target object within an image. Polygon annotation allows all of the object’s exact edges to be annotated, regardless of shape.

Semantic segmentation for detection of desired objects within an image at the pixel level, for AI in Government applications
Semantic Segmentation

An image can be segmented into component objects, by the iMerit team, and annotated. iMerit CV experts detect desired objects within an image at the pixel level.

Point annotation for locating an object its component parts in an image, for Geospatial applications
Keypoint Annotation

iMerit teams outline objects and shape variations by connecting individual points across images. This annotation type detects body features, and could include facial expressions and emotions.

Audio & Handwriting transcription for transcribing text documents and audio clips, for AI in Government applications
Audio & Handwriting Transcription

iMerit language experts transcribe text documents and audio clips including domain-specific material, such as earnings calls in the financial services sector and doctor prescriptions for medical AI.

Entity Recognition based on categories, to power NLP Applications, for AI in Government applications
Named Entity Recognition

iMerit provides the human nuance data scientists need by extracting and classifying relevant named entities in varieties of text sources. iMerit’s custom tooling streamlines this extraction process.

Sentiment Analysis of text data, for AI in Government applications
Sentiment Analysis

Domain experts review vast numbers of documents and provide sentiment judgments using three-way classification: positive, negative and neutral. Jobs often include intensity of sentiment.

Salience Analysis for identifying responses and making judgments, for AI in Government applications
Salience Analysis

Identifying the most relevant elements of a text can make a difference in triggering the appropriate response. iMerit teams subjectively rate salience of entities with single or multiple judgments.

"Well-managed team, hits predictable timelines, good quality work, easy to scale team up and down. iMerit helps us produce our products faster."

CTO - Geospatial intelligence company focused on property risk and valuation

Geospatial intelligence company


The need for speed in high-quality data annotation has never been greater. iMerit combines the best of predictive and automated annotation technology with world-class data annotation and subject matter experts to deliver the data you need to get to production, fast.

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