The iMerit Blog

From casual to cultured, the iMerit blog tackles a wide array of topics related to security, expertise, and flexibility in the Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning data-enrichment marketplace.

Jul 29, 2021

Stand on the Shoulders of Giants with Transfer Learning

In 1619 Sir Isaac Newton famously said ‘If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of

Jul 23, 2021

18 Best Crime Datasets for Machine Learning

Looking to build a text analysis model, analyze crime rates, or assess crime trends for a specific area or time

Jul 23, 2021

Top 11 Reddit Datasets for Machine Learning

Reddit is way more than just a social media site; it’s a braintrust of objective collaborators coming together to build

Jul 23, 2021

20 Best Finance Economic Datasets for Machine Learning

With the right financial datasets, a machine learning model might be able to predict the behavior of a given asset.

Jul 23, 2021

25 Open Datasets for Data Science Projects

At iMerit, we’re constantly working with some of the brightest minds throughout the world. If you’re working on a data

Jul 23, 2021

Top 10 Stock Market Datasets for Machine Learning

Investors have been working forever to find ways to accurately predict the stock market. As cryptocurrencies continue to blow everyone

Jul 22, 2021

14 Best Chatbot Datasets for Machine Learning

In order to create a more effective chatbot, one must first compile realistic, task-oriented dialog data to effectively train the

Jul 22, 2021

25 Best NLP Datasets for Machine Learning

When it comes to natural language processing, beginning with the right datasets is key. As the field continuously grows in

Jul 21, 2021

5 Million Faces – Top 17 Free Image Datasets for Facial Recognition

Facial recognition is a leading branch of computer vision that boasts a variety of practical applications across personal device security,

Jul 21, 2021

13 Best Movie data sets for Machine Learning Projects

After the year inside that was 2020, it’s safe to say that just about all of us are film buffs.

Jul 20, 2021

28 Free Image Datasets for Computer Vision

Computer vision empowers computers with the ability to understand, label ,and interpret images. With the right image datasets a data

Jul 20, 2021

10 Best Machine Learning Textbooks that All Data Scientists Should Read

Machine learning is an intimidating subject. Knowing where to develop mastery around such a massive subject that encompasses so many